Shibaozhai Temple or Precious Stone Stronghold is a gem of Chinese architecture. It’s the cascade of temples built in different times one above the other in traditional Chinese style. It’s one of the most spectacular sites along the river. If you climb to the very top of the twelve-storeyed 56 meters wooden red pavilion perched on a sheer cliff towering the river you’ll get an unforgettable view of the winding river, village and countryside below. The complex itself consists of 3 parts. They are the entrance gate with an inscription inviting people to ascend into the Little Fairyland (the top temple), nine-storeyed wooden pavilion with a spiral staircase to make climbing easier and small temple at the top with a stone terrace and series of halls in the middle. There are several legends connected with this very unusual place. We wouldn’t like to tell you these stories here and just let you have a chance to learn them visiting this Temple.