In spite of the youth of the city there is a lot of sights of interests in
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is the first
stone building raised in 19-20th. The cathedral became acting again after being
consecrated by Alexii II in 1992.
There are 3 orthodox churches in Novosibirsk. On the main avenue you'll see
the Chapel of St. Nikolai built in 1913 in
honor of 300-years reign of Romanovs dynasty.
State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
is the symbol of the city. This building with 60-meters dome and 900 mІ scene
is unique and the hugest theater building of Russia.
The Monument of Glory is a significant
memorial of the city erected in 1967 in honor of Siberians perished in battles
against fascist during the Second World War. 33 000 surnames are printed in
steel on the granite of the monument forever. The figure of Mother of Land is in
the very center of the monument.
The railway bridge over the river Ob,
built at the end of the 19th century, is a historical monument of the city. It's
linked to the foundation of Novosibirsk. In March, 1897, the bridge was opened
for traffic. It was the biggest construction in Russia at that time.
You have a chance to look at the Ob sea from the dumb of the Novosibirsk
hydro-electric power station.
You are welcome to Novosibirsk! |