Lake Baikal

Aleksander Fedorovich Middendorf

Aleksander Fedorovich Middendorf (1815-94), Russian traveler and naturalist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He journeyed through Siberia and the Far East of the country between 1842 and 1845. His account of his visit to Taimyr, the Okhotsk Sea area and the Amur River and other remote regions of the little-explored zone was the fullest naturalist and historical description of Siberia to date. His conclusions on the spreading of permafrost and the zone distribution of vegetation were of particular importance. He published a book entitled A Journey to the North and East of Siberia (Vol.I-1860; Vol.2-1877). A cape on the island Novaya Zemlya and a bay on the Taimyr Peninsula were named after him. 

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