Magnificent palaces and parks in suburbs of St. Petersburg


  • Open Saturday through Thursday, from 10.00 am to 05.00 pm. 
  • Closed on Friday and first Monday. 
  • You may go there by bus 479 from Zvezdnaya metro station.

Pavlovsk was created for Catherine II' s son Paul and in the 1790s became the official summer residence of Paul I and his family. The Palace in Palovsk with its combination of monuments is an impressive structure. The park spreads over an area of more than 600 hectares. It's one of the largest parks in the world, which combines areas of regular and landscape planning. 

It took 50 years to complete all works here on the banks of Slavyanka River. Architects: Cameron, Brenna, Guarenghi, Voronikhin, Rossi; sculptors Kozlovsky, Martos, Prokofiev, Gordeyev, Demut-Malinovsky. The formation of the collections of the Pavlovsky Palace was closely connected with the trip of its owners over Europe in 1781-1782. They visited workshops of well-known artists, oredering and acquiring paintings, furniture, bronze articles, silk fabrics, china sets etc. They brought a large number of antique sculptures from Italy, as well as gifts from European Royal courts to Russia. The museums also displays an excellent collection of portraits by Russian artists and a number of Pavlovsk landscape paintings and drawings. 

You are welcome to Saint-Petersburg!

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