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Museums and palace-and-park ensembles of Yekaterinburg suburbs
Museums of Yekaterinburg

MUSEUMS. Fine Arts Museum

  • 5, Voevodin Street
  • Open Wensday through Sunday, from 11.00 am to 06.00 pm; 
  • Closed on Monday and Tuesday.
  • The very end of Nevsky Avenue (Aleksander Nevsky Square)

One of the largest art museums in the country. It has a good collection of cast-iron art casting of 19-20 cc with world-wide known Kasli Cast Iron Pavilion made in 1899 for the world art-industrial exhibition wich took place in 1900 in Paris. Large collection of icons of Moscow, Ural and other icon painting schools of Russia. 

Russian art of 18 and 19 cc is represented by works of Rokotov, Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Tropinin, Brullov, Venetsianov, Ayvazovsky, Perov, Kramskoy, Myasoedov, Benua, Sudeykin. 

Occidental painting of 14 - 19cc is represented by works of painters from Italy, France, Netherlands and Germany. You'll see pictures of Sebastiano Ricci, Francken, Polidoro La Lanzani.

Works of stone-cutting and jewelers' art, painted trays, steel engraving, vases and boxes, mosaics, figures of animals made of different kinds of stones. A great variety of artistic images you'll see in the Decorative and Folk Arts of the Ural department.

Today Fine Arts Museum occupies 2 buildings:

Fine Arts Museum

  • 11, Vayner Street
  • Open Wensday through Sunday, from 11.00 am to 06.00 pm; 
    Closed on Monday and Tuesday.

The unique of 20th C. Russian art is displayed here. Russian Avant-Garde of the 1910s-1920s is represented by famous works by Malevich, Kandinsky, Larionov, Goncharova, Mashkov and many other world-known artists.

Exhibitions of Modern Russian Art take place here.

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