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Museums of Moscow

MUSEUMS. Historical Museum

  • Red Square
  • Metro station - Ploschad' Revolutsiyi, Okhotny Ryad
  • Open Wednesday through Monday, from 11.00 am to 06.00 pm.
  • Closed on Tuesday and last Monday of each month.

It's one of the oldest museums of Moscow. It was opened on the spot where the original Moscow University was founded in 1755 by the Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. The museum traces the origins of Russia back to the stone age. Its unique and fascinating collections include Old Russian and Western coins, medals and maps going back to the 16th - century; ancient implements, furnishings, manuscripts and early hand-printed books (including 11th - century Greek and 13th - century Byzantine works), old Russian icons, paintings, drawings and posters; jewelry and national costumes; samples of the arms of Kiev Rus; a robe of Ivan the Terrible; a map of Russia drawn by the son of Boris Godunov; a clay vase for storing rain in the second century B.C.; the iron cage in which Yemelyan Pugachev, the peasant leader who rebelled against Catherine the Great, was brought to Moscow to be executed; and many other works of pictorial and applied arts.





You are welcome to visit other museums in Moscow!

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